
The Euell A. Wilson Center serves over 100 at-risk youth each day, by providing a safe haven of after school and summer programs. EAWC also provides family empowerment programs and services. These services are made possible by the generous donations of corporations, civic groups, ministries and concerned individuals like you. No gift, of any size, is too small and goes a long way in helping to continue EAWC's array of quality-driven educational, enrichment and recreational activities to the youth and families we serve. THANK YOU!

Text to Give: 260.888.3606 - By texting this number, you can make a specified donation of any amount, and you will receive confirmation of the tax-deductible amount.

End of Year Giving:  Your year-end gift is very important and appreciated. This gift is tax-deductible for 2019, if given by December 31, 2019.  Online giving is easy, convenient and secure through our PayPal account (link above). Make checks payable to Euell A. Wilson Center and mail to 1512 Oxford Street, Fort Wayne, IN 46806.

Van Campaign: We are currently in need of a new van to safely transport our children and for community outreach. Please support this effort by giving a tax-deductible donation today.

Capital Campaign:  To renovate the former Tokheim Recreation Area on Wabash Street (former practice area of the Fort Wayne Pistons)

Monthly Partners:  A monthly gift of any amount can ensure that we are able to offer quality programs and services throughout the year.

Kroger Community Rewards:  Please register at, by signing up with your Kroger Plus Shopper’s Card. Please select Euell Wilson Center as the organization that you would like to support every time you use your Plus card while shopping at Kroger.

Amazon Smile:  Amazon forwards a percentage of your total purchase to EAWC. Register at

Endowment:  If you would like to help EAWC sustain future programs and services, please consider providing an endowment.

United Way:  Please select EAWC as your designated organization.

For more information about how your donation can help, call us at: 260-456-2917.



Give the gift of your time and talents. EAWC is in need of your talents with both programs and administrative support. If you have an hour a day, week or month that you are able to assist us, we welcome you with open arms! 

Download a Volunteer Application and return it to our office via postal mail or email: